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Posing for Mommy

So Jordan is starting to settle into a sleep pattern when she's at home. When she first wakes up, she eats and then goes back to sleep. She takes a nap for one or two hours (today she slept for 3) then gets a chance to eat again. This morning after her first nap, I plopped her outside and made her pose in a new and very sweet dress she got from Nandini. It's awesome and Jordan looks wonderful in it.

I'm a little overhwelmed with Jordan's obssession with me. I can't really go very far without her wanting me in her sight. Most of the time she's okay as long as she can see me, but when she gets tired, she wants me holding her and that's tough when I need to do things like clean and cook... Or feed the dogs... Or go to the bathroom. She has a little squeal that she uses when she's unhappy with me or can't reach a toy. All normal stuff.

This afternoon, Cam and Jordan were playing together... Well, at least I tried to get the two of them to play together. Cam kept stealing Jordan's toy: A little drum that she's figuring out how to use. Apparently, Cam thinks it's a cool toy for the first time in about two years. We're going to have this "playing together" challenge for many years to come. Cam's excuse? "I'm showing her how to play with it." Sure.