Over so soon?

We're leaving today. I'm pretty bummed. Jordan has just loved it here. She sleeps well in her pack n' play. She smiles at every tree and breeze. We took her to a beach that isn't too far from the cabin. We hope to visit there more often... And maybe next year we'll remember to bring the bug spray. Actually, we're planning to drive out next year. Very exciting and scary to think that we're planning to travel with a 5 year old and an 18 month old from Missouri to Maine. But hey, we can try.

This week has been a big deal for Jordan in my opinion. She has shown so much personaility. She glows and so enjoys attention from anyone. I realize she's had these characteristics forming... But they came through this week and it was so fun to watch. That may be the best part of a vacation -- time to stop and just watch your kids.


Now that was strange


Enjoying the outdoors