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On our own

Randy is on a very long flight to Russia right now. And that means this week is my first time alone with both kids. It started immediately... I had a couple of meetings and I wanted to stay at home as late as possible to say good bye to Randy. So Cam, Jordan and I went off to campus together.

Anyway. Jordan is proving that she wants to eat in as many public places as possible. Today it was the Bread Co. and a classroom on campus where I was attending a meeting. It appears that she's trying to get me to feed her in as many different public locations as possible.

After some time at home and a good nap, we returned something to a store and went to a new clothing store that opened this week. As I shopped, she slept in the stroller and people cooed at her and walked on. But one woman was looking at some really cool onsies that had funny sayings. I was intrigued and looked at some of them as well. She started talking about how beautiful Jordan was and we kind of just naturally started discussing her arm. She asked questions, she was interested and didn't feel pity for her. We talked about prosthetics and how Jordan is going to do great. It was nice. I was talking to a stranger the way I want to -- openly and pleasantly. She was very nice. I should have asked her name, got her number and gone out for coffee with her someday. Oh well. Maybe another time.

I just did an amazing thing. Both kids were in bed by 7:15 tonight. Not bad.

By the way, I have a ton of pictures online at my Flickr account. And if I can buy the proper cord to connect my camera to the computer, I'll get more pictures online as well. The second cord I've purchased is not the appropriate cord... So I have to return that one and look for a third option. Oy.