Not a bad day

Jordan is comfortable in so many environments. My first day back to work wasn't too bad thanks to the girl's easy nature. I probably could have gotten more work done. I did dig out my desk a bit. I started reorganized the website's organization. I talked to a lot of people. I cooed and gurgled with Jordan. She was so good... She took 3 naps during the work day. She tolerated all kinds of people talking and holding her. She sat in her Bumbo a lot.

We all want an adult version of the Bumbo.

I tried not to feel overly dramatic as we drove to work this morning... But Jordan cried the whole way. It was like she felt the tremor in the force. But she was just tired. I found an office where she can sleep comfortably and away from some of the noisy sounds that come from the newsroom. Overall, not a bad day. I'm hoping to get more work done tomorrow if I can.

The downside of taking Jordan to work, I really couldn't focus on PT or OT work. I did a few exercises here and there... But we never had serious focus time on exercise. We'll try harder tomorrow.


Sleep, sleep and sleep in a newsroom


Dear Jordan,