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New OT Meeting

Jordan and I met up with our new occupational therapist today. For the first time, Jordan took an actual OT test. Not surprisingly, the test proved she's really on target for her age. I'm very proud of that and I know the therapy we've been doing is because of that. And to me, it proves why it's worth continuing therapy: To keep her on track. The interesting thing about the meeting. Jordan proved she's officially in the separation anxiety phase of babyhood. Even sitting a little too far away upset her. Poor baby. Poor mommy.

By the end of the session, Jordan was exhausted. I fed her and I of course when I left my tired little girl, she got really upset. Fortunately, she fell asleep 10 minutes later for an HOUR. That never happens.

Another development. Jordan giggles more. It's fun. She kind of chuckles. That's probably a better word for what she does. It's mighty sweet.