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Let the prosthetic process begin!

Today Jordan and I met with a team of doctors, our prosthetic guy and our physical therapist. We discussed what kind of prosthetic will work for Jordan and the process is now in the works. Next week, we're going to have Jordan casted for the prosthetic and that will be followed with a couple of fittings before they put her into the real thing.

We discussed all kinds of options and functions for the arm. The prosthetist talked about building the arm like the flexible neck of a lamp -- so it can bend like an elbow. He is going to be making it all up on the fly and it will be interesting to see what he comes up with. We're also going to make sure the arm can hold onto things so she can play with toys.

My biggest concern is how can we keep up with her growth and prosthetic needs while insurance chugs along so slowly. This is the most wonderful part of the conversation: The prosthetist said he'll never let insurance stop the prosthetic process. He'll even bill it as a research and development expense if he has to.


Another sign how we are truly blessed. Jordan is so lucky to have support of this group of people. I know the therapy is making a difference. The doctors were really amazed by her improved range of motion. Our physical therapist was happy to see her moving around as well.

We did do more developmental tests and she remains low enough that we should be able to move forward with getting into the First Steps program. I'm hoping that will help me drive around down a little less.