I may be wrong, but this is a big kid

Jordan is a big girl. She is so heavy! I'm carrying her so low, that it's amazing to think just how big she'll be when she gets here. I pray she'll be early just so the labor part isn't too impossible.

But because I feel so prepared and ready, I have a gut feeling I'm just going to feel oogie for another month. I think she's going to be late like Cameron just because I'm feeling so sure that she'll be early. I'm shooting for January 10, my dad's 60th birthday. He never gets cool birthday gifts... I think Jordan would be a great one.

But because I'm such a mess, I'm trying not to work as hard. I know, easier said than done. But I've been working more from home and leaving early if I can. Today I went in late and left early. I had a massage... And it was wonderful. It's my second in 2 weeks and I'm thinking about going again. I'm not sure. But it's good stuff.

I think I'm going to wrap up some work and head for bed. I love sleep and wish I got more.


Contractions... if only they were big enough


Tick, tick, tick