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Getting serious about bottles

So I realized a couple weeks ago that Jordan wasn't picking up on bottles... And time is running out. Yesterday, I gave two of her feedings with a bottle. She wasn't really happy about it. Actually, she was really mad. But eventually after I changed the bottle type, things improved. So I thought I'd go through the same process today: pump and give her a bottle.

Today she immediately puked it all up. Very messy.

But I'm not discouraged, we're going to keep trying. The first week back to work, she's coming with me since her school doesn't have a spot open until the first week of April. So I guess I really have 2 and a half weeks left with her. I'm not ready at all to let go. I realize with all of her doctor's appointments and therapy needs, I'll be around her a lot. But the quiet Jordan and Mommy time won't be the same. It's a struggle so many working Moms and Dads face on a regular basis. I love my job. I have never loved a job before. So I'm not ready to leave it. But I'm sad to walk away from this maternity leave.

From the looks of that puke from this morning. Jordan agrees.