Four Weeks Old!

It was another busy day... And I tried a new sleeping plan of attack. Since Jordan got home, I've been sleeping in her room... And I'm a little tired of that. So last night, I decided Jordan's sleep is regulated enough that I can return to my room. So what did I do? I fell asleep in the rocking chair for 3 hours instead of putting her down to bed. Doh.

Anyway. After a strange night's sleep that eventually ended up in my bed... Randy and I decided to let Cam sleep late so I took him to school. So after feeding the girl, the boy and getting him to school. I had the desire to go grocery shopping. Why? I'm not sure.
Big eyes
So we got home, I fed the girl and we ran off to her well baby check-up. The stats: 9 pounds 4 ounces and 22 inches. Head circumference is 37 1/2. The doctor helped confirm my plans to get Jordan as much physical and occupational therapy as we can. Here's the rediculous stort of the week: I called the state's program that helps disabled kids to see if I could enroll Jordan. They told me she doesn't qualify because she has a birth defect, not a developmental delay like Downs Syndrome. So she said I should call when Jordan has developmental delays. The whole point to starting PT early is to PREVENT developmental delays. So my pediatrician wrote a note to help. We'll see if that works. We waited almost 50 minutes extra to see the doctor... So after the appointment, we ran to campus to show off the girl at the faculty meeting. That was cool.

Since then, I've been feeding Joedan a bunch. She slept through possible Cam playtime, dinner, Cam's bath and bedtime. And we've had a lot of feedings since then. Exciting day. I'm ready for bed.


Family time again


That would have been so nice...