Farewell family and hello experimentation

The Reeves and Wilkins left this morning... They are patient folks to deal with our constant feeding schedule yesterday. Today, I'm starting Jordan on my exhaustive sleep training. She's starting to show signs of regulating sleep. So I pulled out my favorite baby book: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth. I'm going to start making sure she goes down for a nap after her awake time every time. The sleep log is back. I tracked Cam for 6 months. Who knows how we'll make it work for Jordan when she goes to day care. But I'll try not to worry about that just yet.I'm going to dig back into my book and catch up on the sleep parenting skills I was once so good at. Jordan is resting right now... Hopefully she'll give me 30 minutes or so of peace while Cameron plays with a toy quietly.


One month old!


I'm a milk machine