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Busy, busy, busy

Life is so busy these days... I'm struggling to get a new syllabus put together for a class that I'm kicking off next week. There are so many logistics that I am not sure how I'm going to get it done. At the same time, there's a few fun things going on in my world. The best one: Jordan and Cameron and Randy got to meet my friend Ambrose. This year he's touring with one of the tent shows of Cirque de Soleil. He's a clown and it was so obvious when you watched him interact with Cam and Jordan. You should check out some of his funny stuff on his personal clown team named Happy Hour. There are some very funny video clips that are great to watch when the kids are in bed. If you just want to watch the videos... If you search "happy hour clown" in You Tube, you'll find three of their mini-movies. I had a lot of fun hanging out with Ambrose for about a half of a day. Jordan loved his hair. Did I get a picture of him with Jordan? No. She slept through most of his visit. She had another 13 and a half hour rest. And every time I checked on her in the night and morning, she was sucking her thumb. I recently changed the type of matress pad she's sleeping on and I took off the crib bumpers.

Why you ask? Well, she finally showed signs of trying to roll over during our most recent OT appointment. And she was trying to throw her LEFT side over. The side where she doesn't have as much leverage. Amazing. She is incredible. Oh and her teachers told me that she doesn't like to be held when she is upset -- She'd rather go on a swing or lay down in her crib.

One other mention about Ambrose... When I stopped by school this afternoon to feed Jordan (which today was the first time I arrived and she wasn't hungry -- she was so hungry this morning, she had eaten 10 ounces just an hour before I got there), everyone wanted to know about Ambrose. I brought him in when I dropped Jordan off for the day. He also got a chance to say good bye to Cam. It was very sweet. They all wanted to know who was that tall skinny white guy with the huge 'fro. I smiled... He's just a normal everyday friend of mine!