Big girl and a fun meeting
Jordan had her six month old doctors appointment. Sure she's almost 7 months old. Anyway. Her stats: 16 pounds 11 ounces (75th percentile) and 25 inches long (50th percentile). She's doing great. I think it's so funny that almost 17 pounds is considered 75th percentile for a girl. It would probably be 10th for a boy! Anyway. After Jordan and her brother got shots, we headed out to St. Louis.
Not only were we meeting up with Daddy who had been in China for more than a week, we were meeting with a family that we met online through the Amniotic Band Syndrome group. We met Richie who is three and was born with fused fingers possibly caused by ABS. We went to the St. Louis Science Museum with he and his Mom and brother Andrew. We had fun and didn't get to stay there long. But it was nice to just connect with a family. Next month we will get to meet with a family who has a five year old daughter with a similar amputation like Jordan's. I'm really looking forward to meeting her.
So with all of the driving I did today, we got back in time for Cameron to make it to swimming lessons. We also finally have Daddy home again. Jordan gave him all kinds of love and smiles. It was great to see her in his arms again.