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Amazing feat

I wish I had caught it on camera. But Jordan did an amazing thing in occupational therapy today. I plopped her down on the mat where we "play" and put a toy in her lap. It was kind of an oversized weeble-wobble. A smooth plastic toy that would bounce back up when you pushed it and there's a bell inside it. Jordan thought it was very cool. So cool that she bent down and picked it up with her hand and her arm to suck on it. This was not a toy that was meant for picking up! And she figured out a way to do that. It was incredible. The OT and I were talking at the time and suddenly our jaws dropped. My girl is pretty amazing.

She went to work with me for a little while today while I wrapped up some loose ends at work. Then she went out to dinner with me. She took a great nap at the station and she just laughed and played during dinner. Man is this girl happy.

Jordan is also starting to eat flavors... 3 days ago I started sweet potatoes with her. She really started liking them today. She's growing up so dang fast.