A trip outside
Jordan got to enjoy her first venture outside today. Can you believe that? On January first, we got to go for a walk around the neighborhood. It was 60 degrees and my brain told me I had to take advantage of that warmth. We met neighbors and found out one of our doctor neighbors was at work in the hospital the day Jordan was born... But she was working in the NICU and didn't get a chance to see Jordan. She didn't know she was my baby, but she had heard about a baby with Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS by the way) who was totally healthy.
Randy and I have researched this condition... There's nothing we could have done to prevent it. But we do know we are incredibly lucky to have her so damned healthy. A missing hand will be a challenge, but she is strong!! You should see her move her head and kick around. Her eyes are following action.
AND she is so calm. She sleeps through any sounds. Her hearing test was fantastic, she just doesn't let a yelling Buzz Lightyear brother bother her. It's amazing.
She slept about 4 straight hours last night. I got in a few naps... Including one while I fed her in the basement. My dad took pictures. I look rediculous. I'll have to think about posting the picture.