6 Months Old

6 Months Old!Look who is 6 months old. I can't get over it. And to make the day even more special, I watched Jordan roll over from her belly onto her back for the first time after her morning nap. I was very proud. So proud that I had to rush her downstairs and plop her into the bumbo for 6 month old pictures. She was happy to oblige. Anything with mommy is a happy thing these days.

We're gearing up for Jordan's next incredible experience in her life: Maine. We look forward to putting her up on the rock for her first official Maine picture. And we can start a new tradition - pictures of the two kids at the rocky cove. I'm looking forward to that. The hard part: Packing. Luckily for Jordan, she doesn't have to worry about that part. That's mommy's challenge. Wish me luck. I'm a notorious over-packer.


Enjoying the experience


Testing out a new tool