3 Months Old

She's 3 months old today! Can you imagine that. Just after she woke up from her many newsroom naps today, she met one-week-old Grace. She's a sweet, tiny little baby. My sweet, tiny baby looks HUGE next to Grace. Jordan is about 7 pounds bigger. So I took this picture. Jordan is a little further in front of Grace... But she looks Photoshopped into this picture. Randy says Jordan looks like she could eat Grace. I think Jordan is too sweet to eat any baby.

Anyway. Jordan slept a good 4 straight hours in the newsroom today. I got work done and Jordan wasn't awake long enough to really socialize with anyone. So her 3rd month birthday was spent sleeping a lot. Not a lot of partying for her just yet.

Jordan and I visited the baby room at what we have considered "Cam's school." I guess starting next week it will become "the kids' school." Anyway. I talked with the two women who take care of 6 babies each day. They sounded very willing and interesteed in Jordan and whatever extra care she may need. It made me feel better. One of the care takers told me her sister-in-law actually is a double amputee. She has below elbow amputations and uses prosthetics. So Jordan isn't really a freak of nature to her. That seemed comforting to me somehow.


Busy for the Boy


Sleep, sleep and sleep in a newsroom